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NND - Spirano Vice | Diggers Society Records (DGSC-2) - main
NND - Spirano Vice | Diggers Society Records (DGSC-2) - 1NND - Spirano Vice | Diggers Society Records (DGSC-2) - 2NND - Spirano Vice | Diggers Society Records (DGSC-2) - 3NND - Spirano Vice | Diggers Society Records (DGSC-2) - 4


Spirano Vice

Diggers Society Records (DGSC-2)

1x Vinyl 12"

Release date: Nov 10, 2024, Spain

The second release of Diggers Society Records is signed by an artist who has distinguished himself both for his compositional skills and as an excellent selector. NND takes us on a journey through his diverse musical worlds, track by track, revealing his deep musical background. The A-side stands out for its dark atmospheres, supported by strong rhythms and deep grooves. The B-side takes us back in time, offering a production inspired by the iconic soundtrack of the cult '80s TV show, followed by a production with a celestial and deep atmosphere.
Artwork by @designattitude_graphic

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Break The Kick


I’m Coming For You


Spirano Vice


Made In Italy ‘80