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TN - Novice But True | NightFlight Records (NFR08) - main
TN - Novice But True | NightFlight Records (NFR08) - 1TN - Novice But True | NightFlight Records (NFR08) - 2


Novice But True

NightFlight Records (NFR08)

1x Vinyl 12"

Release date: Apr 15, 2024, Belgium

Release 8 on Nightflight Records is delivered by TN, a moniker of a Belgian producer with numerous releases on quality labels. Flux White released the producer’s first EP as TN in 2019.
This three-tracker digs deep into the vaults of TN’s productions, containing the first track he ever made (Novice but True). These are three pure dancefloor tracks; no pretention just effective DJ tracks to dance to reminiscing simpler house days.

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Novice But True




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